
Gift of a Day in Memory of Audrey Duncan

On Friday 12 August, the costs to operate the Helen McArdle In-Patient Wing have been donated in loving memory of Audrey Duncan.

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Sir Bob Murray donates the gift of three days to Willow Burn Hospice

On 3 August – 5 August the costs to operate the Helen McArdle In-Patient Wing have been donated by Sir Bob Murray.

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Now Available: Quarter 1 Patient Feedback Summary - Helen McArdle In-Patient Wing and Sir Tom Cowie Day Services

The Quarter 1 Patient Feedback Summary for the Helen McArdle In-Patient Care Wing and Sir Tom Cowie Day Services is now available to view.

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Brenda Beveridge Wills and Trusts supports Willow Burn with fundraising

This year Brenda Beveridge Wills and Trusts has committed to supporting Willow Burn Hospice by matching any donations made by clients to the charity.

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Erwin Hymer Group to Match Fund Ian Lowther's Race Across Scotland in August

On 13 August 2022, a Willow Burn volunteer will run a unique 215-mile, coast-to-coast ultramarathon in Scotland to raise money for Willow Burn, supported by his employer Erwin Hymer Group.

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We Are Willow Burn Spotlight: 'Hills R Us' 155 mile bike ride Walney to Wear

This weekend, David Walker, Tim Wilson, Glynn Goodrum and Graham Dyson are undertaking a massive three day 155 mile bike ride Walney to Wear C2C to raise funds for Willow Burn Hospice in memory of Graham's sister.

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