Our nursing, care and family support teams provide a vital service for people living with a terminal illness and their families in Derwentside but they need your help to continue. If you are in a position to do so, please support your Local Hospice by giving a donation today, it will truly make a difference to patients and their families when they need it the most.
Support Hospice Care in County Durham
Make a Donation
"Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world"

There are many in which you can donate to Willow Burn. You can:
Make a one-off donation by clicking on the relevant donation link below
Become a Regular Giver by making a monthly or quarterly donations to the Hospice.
Make a donation by cash or cheque – please send to: Willow Burn Hospice, Howden Bank, Lanchester, County Durham, DH7 0QS
All cheques should be made payable to Derwentside Hospice Care Foundation. Please include with your donation, your name and contact details so that we are able to contact you to show our gratitude.
Pop into the Hospice and make a donation in person
What the money can do?
£10 - Every £10 we spend on our phone services could help people needing Bereavement Support.
£20 - Will pay for one hour of nursing care in the Helen McArdle Wing.
£30 - Can go towards providing our nurses with essential medical support and equipment.
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