Supporting you

Adult Services

Our Family Support Team provides a range of services to anyone suffering from life limiting illness, their families and carers. Support is provided from diagnosis, pre-death, post-death and is ongoing throughout the bereavement process. This support is offered not only to our in-patients in the Helen McArdle Wing and day care clients, but we also accept referrals from hospitals, GPs and Macmillan Healthcare Professionals.

“Willow Burn eased me out of despondency and set me on a new path for a new life after grief.“

The Willow Burn Hospice Family Support Team works tirelessly to provide an individual service to people who may be undergoing the most difficult time of their lives.

Willow Burn Patients and Families
Our Family Support Co-Ordinator assesses patient and family needs, providing: emotional, psychological and spiritual support during in-patient stays, advice and information, sign posting to other relevant services and practical assistance. She continues to provide support post bereavement to families who have experienced our services and may refer to in-house counselling six months post bereavement if required.

Community Referrals
Community referrals must be made by a Healthcare Professional who has assessed your needs. Upon to referral to Willow Burn, the Family Support Co-Ordinator will complete an assessment to identify any need for counselling or other support. It is normal to experience a period of grief and feelings of loss following bereavement and this can can take up to six months for some people. Therefore referrals will be expected following this period of time to allow you to go through your own personal bereavement journey. Please refer to the downloadable leaflets on this page to support your during this time.

How do I access this support?
You can be referred for support via the Willow Burn in-patient or day services teams, your GP, Macmillan or social worker.

Professional Referral Form - download

Afterthoughts Service
Our Afterthoughts Service provides the opportunity to explore your loved one’s journey at Willow Burn. Each person’s experience and memories of a loved one’s end of life journey different. Coping with bereavement and grief may affect the way that you feel and how you face your future - find out more.

Find out more about Bereavement Support
For further information about our services, please contact us on: 01207 529 224 /

Family Support Feedback

Willow Burn Information Leaflets

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